PEPPOL-EN16931-R008 Document MUST not contain empty elements. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-R080 Only one project reference is allowed on document level |
fatal |
PEPPOL-COMMON-R040 GLN must have a valid format according to GS1 rules. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-COMMON-R041 Norwegian organization number MUST be stated in the correct format. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-COMMON-R042 Danish organization number (CVR) MUST be stated in the correct format. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-COMMON-R043 Belgian enterprise number MUST be stated in the correct format. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-COMMON-R044 IPA Code (Codice Univoco Unità Organizzativa) must be stated in the correct format |
warning |
PEPPOL-COMMON-R045 Tax Code (Codice Fiscale) must be stated in the correct format |
warning |
PEPPOL-COMMON-R046 Tax Code (Codice Fiscale) must be stated in the correct format |
warning |
PEPPOL-COMMON-R047 Italian VAT Code (Partita Iva) must be stated in the correct format |
warning |
PEPPOL-COMMON-R049 Swedish organization number MUST be stated in the correct format. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-COMMON-R050 Australian Business Number (ABN) MUST be stated in the correct format. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-R001 Business process MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-R002 No more than one note is allowed on document level, unless both the buyer and seller are German organizations. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-R003 A buyer reference or purchase order reference MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-R004 Specification identifier MUST have the value ''. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-R005 VAT accounting currency code MUST be different from invoice currency code when provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-R007 Business process MUST be in the format '' where NN indicates the process number. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-R010 Buyer electronic address MUST be provided |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-R020 Seller electronic address MUST be provided |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-R040 Allowance/charge amount must equal base amount * percentage/100 if base amount and percentage exists |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-R041 Allowance/charge base amount MUST be provided when allowance/charge percentage is provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-R042 Allowance/charge percentage MUST be provided when allowance/charge base amount is provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-R043 Allowance/charge ChargeIndicator value MUST equal 'true' or 'false' |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-R044 Charge on price level is NOT allowed. Only value 'false' allowed. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-R046 Item net price MUST equal (Gross price - Allowance amount) when gross price is provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-R051 All currencyID attributes must have the same value as the invoice currency code (BT-5), except for the invoice total VAT amount
in accounting currency (BT-111). |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-R053 Only one tax total with tax subtotals MUST be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-R054 Only one tax total without tax subtotals MUST be provided when tax currency code is provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-R055 Invoice total VAT amount and Invoice total VAT amount in accounting currency MUST have the same operational sign |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-R061 Mandate reference MUST be provided for direct debit. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-R101 Element Document reference can only be used for Invoice line object |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-R110 Start date of line period MUST be within invoice period. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-R111 End date of line period MUST be within invoice period. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-R120 Invoice line net amount MUST equal (Invoiced quantity * (Item net price/item price base quantity) + Sum of invoice line charge
amount - sum of invoice line allowance amount |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-R121 Base quantity MUST be a positive number above zero. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-R130 Unit code of price base quantity MUST be same as invoiced quantity. |
fatal |
NO-R-001 For Norwegian suppliers, a VAT number MUST be the country code prefix NO followed by a valid Norwegian organization number
(nine numbers) followed by the letters MVA. |
fatal |
NO-R-002 For Norwegian suppliers, most invoice issuers are required to append "Foretaksregisteret" to their
invoice. "Dersom selger er aksjeselskap, allmennaksjeselskap eller filial av utenlandsk
selskap skal også ordet «Foretaksregisteret» fremgå av salgsdokumentet, jf.
foretaksregisterloven § 10-2." |
warning |
DK-R-002-NA Danish suppliers MUST provide legal entity (CVR-number) (not applied in the Italian context). |
warning |
DK-R-003-NA If ItemClassification is provided from Danish suppliers, UNSPSC version 19.0501 should be used. (not applied in the Italian
context). |
warning |
DK-R-004-NA When specifying non-VAT Taxes for Danish customers, Danish suppliers MUST use the AllowanceChargeReasonCode="ZZZ" and the
4-digit Tax category MUST be specified in AllowanceChargeReason (not applied in the Italian context). |
warning |
DK-R-005-NA For Danish suppliers the following Payment means codes are allowed: 1, 10, 31, 42, 48, 49, 50, 58, 59, 93 and 97 (not applied
in the Italian context). |
warning |
DK-R-006-NA For Danish suppliers bank account and registration account is mandatory if payment means is 31 or 42 (not applied in the Italian
context). |
warning |
DK-R-007-NA For Danish suppliers PaymentMandate/ID and PayerFinancialAccount/ID are mandatory when payment means is 49 (not applied in
the Italian context). |
warning |
DK-R-008-NA For Danish Suppliers PaymentID is mandatory and MUST start with 01#, 04# or 15# (kortartkode), and PayeeFinancialAccount/ID
(Giro kontonummer) is mandatory and must be 7 characters long, when payment means equals 50 (Giro) (not applied in the Italian
context). |
warning |
DK-R-009-NA For Danish Suppliers if the PaymentID is prefixed with 04# or 15# the 16 digits instruction Id must be added to the PaymentID
eg. "04#1234567890123456" when Payment means equals 50 (Giro) (not applied in the Italian context). |
warning |
DK-R-010-NA For Danish Suppliers the PaymentID is mandatory and MUST start with 71#, 73# or 75# (kortartkode) and PayeeFinancialAccount/ID
(Kreditornummer) is mandatory and must be exactly 8 characters long, when Payment means equals 93 (FIK) (not applied in the
Italian context). |
warning |
DK-R-011-NA For Danish Suppliers if the PaymentID is prefixed with 71# or 75# the 15-16 digits instruction Id must be added to the PaymentID
eg. "71#1234567890123456" when payment Method equals 93 (FIK) (not applied in the Italian context). |
warning |
DK-R-013-NA For Danish Suppliers it is mandatory to use schemeID when PartyIdentification/ID is used for AccountingCustomerParty or AccountingSupplierParty
(not applied in the Italian context). |
warning |
DK-R-014-NA For Danish Suppliers it is mandatory to specify schemeID as "0184" (DK CVR-number) when PartyLegalEntity/CompanyID is used
for AccountingSupplierParty (not applied in the Italian context). |
warning |
DK-R-016-NA For Danish Suppliers, a Credit note cannot have a negative total (PayableAmount) (not applied in the Italian context). |
warning |
IT-R-001 [IT-R-001] BT-32 (Seller tax registration identifier) - For Italian suppliers BT-32 minimum length 11 and maximum length shall
be 16. Per i fornitori italiani il BT-32 deve avere una lunghezza tra 11 e 16 caratteri |
fatal |
IT-R-002 [IT-R-002] BT-35 (Seller address line 1) - Italian suppliers MUST provide the postal address line 1 - I fornitori italiani
devono indicare l'indirizzo postale. |
fatal |
IT-R-003 [IT-R-003] BT-37 (Seller city) - Italian suppliers MUST provide the postal address city - I fornitori italiani devono indicare
la città di residenza. |
fatal |
IT-R-004 "[IT-R-004] BT-38 (Seller post code) - Italian suppliers MUST provide the postal address post code - I fornitori italiani
devono indicare il CAP di residenza. |
fatal |
SE-R-001-NA For Swedish suppliers, Swedish VAT-numbers must consist of 14 characters (not applied in the Italian context). |
warning |
SE-R-002-NA For Swedish suppliers, the Swedish VAT-numbers must have the trailing 12 characters in numeric form (not applied in the Italian
context) |
warning |
SE-R-003-NA Swedish organisation numbers should be numeric (not applied in the Italian context). |
warning |
SE-R-004-NA Swedish organisation numbers consist of 10 characters (not applied in the Italian context). |
warning |
SE-R-005-NA For Swedish suppliers, when using Seller tax registration identifier, 'Godkänd för F-skatt' must be stated (not applied in
the Italian context) |
warning |
SE-R-006-NA For Swedish suppliers, only standard VAT rate of 6, 12 or 25 are used (not applied in the Italian context) |
warning |
SE-R-007-NA For Swedish suppliers using Plusgiro, the Account ID must be numeric (not applied in the Italian context) |
warning |
SE-R-008-NA For Swedish suppliers using Bankgiro, the Account ID must be numeric (not applied in the Italian context) |
warning |
SE-R-009-NA For Swedish suppliers using Bankgiro, the Account ID must have 7-8 characters (not applied in the Italian context) |
warning |
SE-R-010-NA For Swedish suppliers using Plusgiro, the Account ID must have 2-8 characters (not applied in the Italian context) |
warning |
SE-R-011-NA For Swedish suppliers using Swedish Bankgiro or Plusgiro, the proper way to indicate this is to use Code 30 for PaymentMeans
and FinancialInstitutionBranch ID with code SE:BANKGIRO or SE:PLUSGIRO (not applied in the Italian context) |
warning |
SE-R-012-NA For domestic transactions between Swedish trading partners, credit transfer should be indicated by PaymentMeansCode="30" (not
applied in the Italian context) |
warning |
SE-R-013-NA The last digit of a Swedish organization number must be valid according to the Luhn algorithm (not applied in the Italian
context). |
warning |
GR-R-001-1-NA When the Supplier is Greek, the Invoice Id should consist of 6 segments (not applied in the Italian context) |
warning |
GR-R-001-2-NA When the Supplier is Greek, the Invoice Id first segment must be a valid TIN Number and match either the Supplier's or the
Tax Representative's Tin Number (not applied in the Italian context) |
warning |
GR-R-001-3-NA When the Supplier is Greek, the Invoice Id second segment must be a valid Date that matches the invoice Issue Date (not applied
in the Italian context) |
warning |
GR-R-001-4-NA When Supplier is Greek, the Invoice Id third segment must be a positive integer (not applied in the Italian context) |
warning |
GR-R-001-5-NA When Supplier is Greek, the Invoice Id in the fourth segment must be a valid greek document type (not applied in the Italian
context) |
warning |
GR-R-001-6-NA When Supplier is Greek, the Invoice Id fifth segment must not be empty (not applied in the Italian context) |
warning |
GR-R-001-7-NA When Supplier is Greek, the Invoice Id sixth segment must not be empty (not applied in the Italian context) |
warning |
GR-R-002-NA Greek Suppliers must provide their full name as they are registered in the Greek Business Registry (G.E.MH.) as a legal entity
or in the Tax Registry as a natural person (not applied in the Italian context) |
warning |
GR-R-003-NA For the Greek Suppliers, the VAT must start with 'EL' and must be a valid TIN number (not applied in the Italian context) |
warning |
GR-R-004-1-NA When Supplier is Greek, there must be one MARK Number (not applied in the Italian context) |
warning |
GR-R-004-2-NA When Supplier is Greek, the MARK Number must be a positive integer (not applied in the Italian context) |
warning |
GR-R-005-NA Greek Suppliers must provide the full name of the buyer (not applied in the Italian context) |
warning |
GR-R-008-2-NA When Supplier is Greek, there should be no more than one invoice url (not applied in the Italian context) |
warning |
GR-R-008-3-NA When Supplier is Greek and the INVOICE URL Document reference exists, the External Reference URI should be present (not applied
in the Italian context) |
warning |
GR-R-009-NA Greek suppliers that send an invoice through the PEPPOL network must use a correct TIN number as an electronic address according
to PEPPOL Electronic Address Identifier scheme (schemeID 9933) (not applied in the Italian context). |
warning |
GR-S-008-1-NA When Supplier is Greek, there should be one invoice url (not applied in the Italian context) |
warning |
GR-S-011-NA Greek suppliers must provide their Seller Tax Registration Number, prefixed by the country code (not applied in the Italian
context) |
warning |
GR-R-006-NA Greek Suppliers must provide the VAT number of the buyer, if the buyer is Greek (not applied in the Italian context) |
warning |
GR-R-010-NA Greek Suppliers that send an invoice through the PEPPOL network to a greek buyer must use a correct TIN number as an electronic
address according to PEPPOL Electronic Address Identifier scheme (SchemeID 9933) (not applied in the Italian context) |
warning |
IS-R-001 [IS-R-001]-If seller is icelandic then invoice type should be 380 or 381 — Ef seljandi er íslenskur þá ætti gerð reiknings
(BT-3) að vera sölureikningur (380) eða kreditreikningur (381). |
warning |
IS-R-002 [IS-R-002]-If seller is icelandic then it shall contain sellers legal id — Ef seljandi er íslenskur þá skal reikningur innihalda
íslenska kennitölu seljanda (BT-30). |
fatal |
IS-R-003 [IS-R-003]-If seller is icelandic then it shall contain his address with street name and zip code — Ef seljandi er íslenskur
þá skal heimilisfang seljanda innihalda götuheiti og póstnúmer (BT-35 og BT-38). |
fatal |
IS-R-004 [IS-R-004]-If seller and buyer are icelandic then the invoice shall contain the buyers icelandic legal identifier — Ef seljandi
og kaupandi eru íslenskir þá skal reikningurinn innihalda íslenska kennitölu kaupanda (BT-47). |
fatal |
IS-R-005 [IS-R-005]-If seller and buyer are icelandic then the invoice shall contain the buyers address with street name and zip code
— Ef seljandi og kaupandi eru íslenskir þá skal heimilisfang kaupanda innihalda götuheiti og póstnúmer (BT-50 og BT-53) |
fatal |
IS-R-006 [IS-R-006]-If seller is icelandic and payment means code is 9 then a 12 digit account id must exist — Ef seljandi er íslenskur
og greiðslumáti (BT-81) er krafa (kóti 9) þá skal koma fram 12 stafa númer (bankanúmer, höfuðbók 66 og reikningsnúmer) (BT-84) |
fatal |
IS-R-007 [IS-R-007]-If seller is icelandic and payment means code is 42 then a 12 digit account id must exist — Ef seljandi er íslenskur
og greiðslumáti (BT-81) er millifærsla (kóti 42) þá skal koma fram 12 stafa reikningnúmer (BT-84) |
fatal |
IS-R-008 [IS-R-008]-If seller is icelandic and invoice contains supporting description EINDAGI then the id form must be YYYY-MM-DD
— Ef seljandi er íslenskur þá skal eindagi (BT-122, DocumentDescription = EINDAGI) vera á forminu YYYY-MM-DD. |
fatal |
IS-R-009 [IS-R-009]-If seller is icelandic and invoice contains supporting description EINDAGI invoice must have due date — Ef seljandi
er íslenskur þá skal reikningur sem inniheldur eindaga (BT-122, DocumentDescription = EINDAGI) einnig hafa gjalddaga (BT-9). |
fatal |
IS-R-010 [IS-R-010]-If seller is icelandic and invoice contains supporting description EINDAGI the id date must be same or later than
due date — Ef seljandi er íslenskur þá skal eindagi (BT-122, DocumentDescription = EINDAGI) skal vera sami eða síðar en gjalddagi
(BT-9) ef eindagi er til staðar. |
fatal |
NL-R-001 [NL-R-001] For suppliers in the Netherlands, if the document is a creditnote, the document MUST contain an invoice reference
(cac:BillingReference/cac:InvoiceDocumentReference/cbc:ID) |
fatal |
NL-R-002 [NL-R-002] For suppliers in the Netherlands the supplier's address (cac:AccountingSupplierParty/cac:Party/cac:PostalAddress)
MUST contain street name (cbc:StreetName), city (cbc:CityName) and post code (cbc:PostalZone) |
fatal |
NL-R-003 [NL-R-003] For suppliers in the Netherlands, the legal entity identifier MUST be either a KVK or OIN number (schemeID 0106
or 0190) |
fatal |
NL-R-004 [NL-R-004] For suppliers in the Netherlands, if the customer is in the Netherlands, the customer address (cac:AccountingCustomerParty/cac:Party/cac:PostalAddress)
MUST contain the street name (cbc:StreetName), the city (cbc:CityName) and post code (cbc:PostalZone) |
fatal |
NL-R-005 [NL-R-005] For suppliers in the Netherlands, if the customer is in the Netherlands, the customer's legal entity identifier
MUST be either a KVK or OIN number (schemeID 0106 or 0190) |
fatal |
NL-R-006 [NL-R-006] For suppliers in the Netherlands, if the fiscal representative is in the Netherlands, the representative's address
(cac:TaxRepresentativeParty/cac:PostalAddress) MUST contain street name (cbc:StreetName), city (cbc:CityName) and post code
(cbc:PostalZone) |
fatal |
NL-R-007 [NL-R-007] For suppliers in the Netherlands, the supplier MUST provide a means of payment (cac:PaymentMeans) if the payment
is from customer to supplier |
fatal |
NL-R-008 [NL-R-008] For suppliers in the Netherlands, if the customer is in the Netherlands, the payment means code (cac:PaymentMeans/cbc:PaymentMeansCode)
MUST be one of 30, 48, 49, 57, 58 or 59 |
fatal |
NL-R-009 [NL-R-009] For suppliers in the Netherlands, if an order line reference (cac:OrderLineReference/cbc:LineID) is used, there
must be an order reference on the document level (cac:OrderReference/cbc:ID) |
fatal |
DE-R-001 An invoice shall contain information on "PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS" (BG-16). |
fatal |
DE-R-002 The group "SELLER CONTACT" (BG-6) shall be provided. |
fatal |
DE-R-003 The element "Seller city" (BT-37) shall be provided. |
fatal |
DE-R-004 The element "Seller post code" (BT-38) shall be provided. |
fatal |
DE-R-005 The element "Seller contact point" (BT-41) shall be provided. |
fatal |
DE-R-006 The element "Seller contact telephone number" (BT-42) shall be provided. |
fatal |
DE-R-007 The element "Seller contact email address" (BT-43) shall be provided. |
fatal |
DE-R-008 The element "Buyer city" (BT-52) shall be provided. |
fatal |
DE-R-009 The element "Buyer post code" (BT-53) shall be provided. |
fatal |
DE-R-010 The element "Deliver to city" (BT-77) shall be provided if the group "DELIVER TO ADDRESS" (BG-15) is delivered. |
fatal |
DE-R-011 The element "Deliver to post code" (BT-78) shall be provided if the group "DELIVER TO ADDRESS" (BG-15) is delivered. |
fatal |
DE-R-014 The element "VAT category rate" (BT-119) shall be provided. |
fatal |
DE-R-015 The element "Buyer reference" (BT-10) shall be provided. |
fatal |
DE-R-016 If one of the VAT codes S, Z, E, AE, K, G, L, or M is used, an invoice shall contain at least one of the following elements:
"Seller VAT identifier" (BT-31) or "Seller tax registration identifier" (BT-32) or "SELLER TAX REPRESENTATIVE PARTY" (BG-11). |
fatal |
DE-R-017 The element "Invoice type code" (BT-3) should only contain the following values from code list UNTDID 1001: 326 (Partial invoice),
380 (Commercial invoice), 384 (Corrected invoice), 389 (Self-billed invoice), 381 (Credit note), 875 (Partial construction
invoice), 876 (Partial final construction invoice), 877 (Final construction invoice). |
warning |
DE-R-018 Information on cash discounts for prompt payment (Skonto) shall be provided within the element "Payment terms" BT-20 in the
following way: First segment "SKONTO", second segment amount of days ("TAGE=N"), third segment percentage ("PROZENT=N"). Percentage
must be separated by dot with two decimal places. In case the base value of the invoiced amount is not provided in BT-115
but as a partial amount, the base value shall be provided as fourth segment "BASISBETRAG=N" as semantic data type amount.
Each entry shall start with a #, the segments must be separated by # and a row shall end with a #. A complete statement on
cash discount for prompt payment shall end with a XML-conformant line break. All statements on cash discount for prompt payment
shall be given in capital letters. Additional whitespaces (blanks, tabulators or line breaks) are not allowed. Other characters
or texts than defined above are not allowed. |
fatal |
DE-R-019 The element "Payment account identifier" (BT-84) should contain a valid IBAN if code 58 SEPA is provided in "Payment means
type code" (BT-81). |
warning |
DE-R-020 The element "Debited account identifier" (BT-91) should contain a valid IBAN if code 59 SEPA is provided in "Payment means
type code" (BT-81). |
warning |
DE-R-022 Attached documents provided with an invoice in "ADDITIONAL SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS" (BG-24) shall have a unique filename (non
case-sensitive) within the element ″Attached document″ (BT-125). |
fatal |
DE-R-023-1 If "Payment means type code" (BT-81) contains a code for credit transfer (30, 58), "CREDIT TRANSFER" (BG-17) shall be provided. |
fatal |
DE-R-023-2 If "Payment means type code" (BT-81) contains a code for credit transfer (30, 58), BG-18 and BG-19 shall not be provided. |
fatal |
DE-R-024-1 If "Payment means type code" (BT-81) contains a code for payment card (48, 54, 55), "PAYMENT CARD INFORMATION" (BG-18) shall
be provided. |
fatal |
DE-R-024-2 If "Payment means type code" (BT-81) contains a code for payment card (48, 54, 55), BG-17 and BG-19 shall not be provided. |
fatal |
DE-R-025-1 If "Payment means type code" (BT-81) contains a code for direct debit (59), "DIRECT DEBIT" (BG-19) shall be provided. |
fatal |
DE-R-025-2 If "Payment means type code" (BT-81) contains a code for direct debit (59), BG-17 and BG-18 shall not be provided. |
fatal |
DE-R-026 If "Invoice type code" (BT-3) contains the code 384 (Corrected invoice), "PRECEDING INVOICE REFERENCE" (BG-3) should be provided
at least once. |
warning |
DE-R-027 "Seller contact telephone number" (BT-42) should contain a valid telephone number. A valid telephone should consist of 3 digits
minimum. |
warning |
DE-R-028 "Seller contact email address" (BT-43) should contain exactly one @-sign, which should not be framed by a whitespace or a
dot but by at least two characters on each side. A dot should not be the first or last character. |
warning |
DE-R-030 If the group "DIRECT DEBIT" (BG-19) is delivered, the element "Bank assigned creditor identifier" (BT-90) shall be provided. |
fatal |
DE-R-031 If the group "DIRECT DEBIT" (BG-19) is delivered, the element "Debited account identifier" (BT-91) shall be provided. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-CL001 Mime code must be according to subset of IANA code list. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-CL002 Reason code MUST be according to subset of UNCL 5189 D.16B. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-CL003 Reason code MUST be according to UNCL 7161 D.16B. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-CL006 Invoice period description code must be according to UNCL 2005 D.16B. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-CL007 Currency code must be according to ISO 4217:2005 |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-CL008 Electronic address identifier scheme must be from the codelist "Electronic Address Identifier Scheme" |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-F001 A date
MUST be formatted YYYY-MM-DD. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-P0100 Invoice type code MUST be set according to the profile. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-P0101 Credit note type code MUST be set according to the profile. |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-P0104 Tax Category G MUST be used when exemption reason code is VATEX-EU-G |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-P0105 Tax Category O MUST be used when exemption reason code is VATEX-EU-O |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-P0106 Tax Category K MUST be used when exemption reason code is VATEX-EU-IC |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-P0107 Tax Category AE MUST be used when exemption reason code is VATEX-EU-AE |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-P0108 Tax Category E MUST be used when exemption reason code is VATEX-EU-D |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-P0109 Tax Category E MUST be used when exemption reason code is VATEX-EU-F |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-P0110 Tax Category E MUST be used when exemption reason code is VATEX-EU-I |
fatal |
PEPPOL-EN16931-P0111 Tax Category E MUST be used when exemption reason code is VATEX-EU-J |
fatal |